Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Weeks ??? - 32

Blog fail. I can't keep up with how fast everything is going. Everytime I look around, I'm another week up, this is crazy cakes!

How far along: 32 wks

Total weight change: Up 20 from pre-preg
Maternity clothes: All the time. I've bought/worn a few things that weren't
but they are the exception to the rule.

Stretch Marks: Um, heck yes! It started with one, and blossomed into a whole patch of them on either side of my belly underneath my now protruding belly button. The other day I noticed a small line above it too. Weird.

Movement: These past two days especially have been active ones. I'm now at a size where ribs are fair game. My belly has these spasms of rolls and jabbs that send me into uncontrollable laughter. I get pokes in the side now too which is kinda like getting hit in the funny bone, it hurts, but it makes you laugh too. Weird.
Sleep: Got better, then worse. I've started to have some mild insomnia. I think it is because we have so much going on right now, and necessarily the pregnancy.  I did read a few things that said that getting to sleep/staying asleep can be an issue as the third tri rolls along.

Best Moment This Week: Getting to feel so much movement has been wonderful. I am seriously going to miss this. I've also enjoyed everything going so well so far, and that I passed my Glucose Screening Test. No gestational diabetes for me thanks!

Belly Button In or Out: Out. It looks weird too...

Cravings/Aversions: Sweets, ice, carbs

Symptoms: TIRED. Lol. I'm starting to wear out a little. Every morning is a fight to get out of bed, and I'm really starting to run out of steam. I can't stay standing as long as I used to either. Oh and back pain, YOUCH! I have to have proper support or I will be in agony. This body is giving my baby all it's got, and its finally starting to take its toll. Oh, and my dreams have gotten crazy again.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Time giving me a second to catch my breath. I can't believe in roughly 8 weeks, as little as 5, I will be holding my outside baby. Its nuts!

Things I Wish I Would Have Known: As usual, that time would be flying so much. Also, that my body would change this much. I knew I was going to feel and look different, but wow, the amount that has gone on has been eye openning.

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