Wednesday, July 20, 2011

23-27 weeks...Whoops!

I didn't realize that I hadn't done an update in a month. I told you time was flying, but I mean, WOW, things are really sneaking up on me! At any rate, here is a wrap up of what the end of the second tri was like for me.

How far along: 23-27 wks

Total weight change: Up 14 from pre-preg

Maternity clothes: Pretty much exclusively. I think I've worn a non maternity shirt maybe 4 or 5 times in the last month? Non mat pants are NOT an option!

Stretch Marks: Sad face. I was laying in bed, and SB says "Hey, when did you scratch yourself?". I knew as soon as he said it that these supposed "scratches" were stretch marks. I had to pull my belly up to see the underside, and lo and behold, two parallel pink lines (reminds me of a + pregnancy test know that I think about it!), running about an inch or two up my belly. I was surpisingly saddened by this. I love my belly, I think that it is beautiful so I guess the stretch marks kinda ruined what I thought was a "perfect" looking belly. I got over that reeeeel fast, and came to the conclusion that my belly is still beautiful, and that it really isn't a big deal. When I got the ones on my thighs, I could have cared less, but the belly ones did kinda throw me for a loop!

Movement: What a difference a month makes. This baby has got their Dance Dance Revolution game hooked up, and plays it all day! This past month this baby has shown itself to be a mover and shaker. I praise God for it, and can't help but already mourn the loss of it once baby is born . I get rolls, kicks, swipes, punches, and stuff I can't describe. Feeling my little one enjoy playing in its space has been life changing. Out of all of the pregnant body does, having the ability to feel your baby move en utero is simply the most amazing. Its so neat having this quiet bond that only the two of us share. It is super humbling too. Baby is moving right now as a matter of fact, and it is wonderful.

Sleep: This past month has had the same set up sleep stealers as previous weeks. I had rhinitis again, then I heartburn. Lately I've just been SUPER hot at night (the 3 days we had no A/C didn't help), and I can't sleep when I'm hot, so that has been a struggle. I still get my rest though, and I've made it in to work everyday (gotta keep that month and a half PTO saved up) so I guess it's not going too bad.

Best Moment This Week: This MONTH has had a lot of best moments. Regular movement is one. Seeing that eveything is in place and perfect with baby is another.  We went to see a specialist last Friday since after two scans the tech at the midwives still struck out on the measurements we need to be cleared for our anatomy scan. The Dr was SUPER nice, and he also had a friendly nurse, and a student shadowing him. I had to go in with a full bladder, which was a little miserable, but once I got to lay down, it took the pressure off and I was a-ok. They got a good look at the cord, the heart, the right femur, right kidney, and the cerebellum. The dr remarked that the baby had a "beautiful cerebellum" when he walked in the room and saw it on the screen (the nurse took a peek while we were waiting), lol. The ultrasound confirmed my suspision from a week ago when I mentioned to a few people that I thought baby had turn head down. The first thing we saw on the screen was their head...directly on top of my! The baby set about kicking at the scanner, so I knew that the legs were in a good position now to get a nice look at thier bits.  After two attempts wtith no luck, they were finally able to see what the baby is working with. The dr printed the sex on a a picture, and gave it to Damon. He wrote "secret" on my chart, so only Sugarbeet, God, and the Dr know what the baby is, and we will never see that Dr again, so I think it is a nice secret that Sugarbeet gets to have all to himself.  He says that things feel more real now, and has started to hound me about registering, so I guess the desired affect of him feeling closer to baby has worked.

Belly Button In or Out: It is giving up the ghost. It used to just stick out after I ate, but now a days it seems to be permanatly pudgy. It's not all the way out yet, be we are getting there.

Cravings/Aversions: Sweets, and ice

Symptoms: I've started nesting a little. I wash the dishes every night now, and anyone who knows me has fallen out of their chair and needs a moment to regroup after reading that.  My back feels better, but I think maybe I'm just getting used to the pain being around. I am getting more tired, and spending more time on the couch. I need to get moving again, and have been walking on my lunch break at least.  The only issue is that walking for long periods gives me some pretty bad round ligament pain, and actually really tires me out! I've decided that I'm too small and it is too soon for me to be this lethargic, so I'm regrouping efforts to keep moving.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Getting my Gestational Diabetes test over with...oh and passing!
Things I Wish I Would Have Known: That I would have missed a month of writing my symptoms, nearly two months of taking pictures, and that I would be so okay with staying home. I say it every week, and these past 4 that I've missed should make it evident, but I really think this is all happening too fast. I've only got 90 days left till my due date, and I wish I could cling to each moment as tight as the last.

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