- Going to the Rodeo Parade?
- Helping Damon move into his new office downtown
- Going to the cook off with Patty, oh and Dustin whos in town from Chicago
- Buying ingredients for my homemad laundry detergent
I'm really pleased with Damon's big move downtown too. Dustin was like "Does that mean you guys are going to have lunch together everyday?", to which I responded that I do in fact have a life so probably not. His old building was getting a little sketchy, he thinks there are a couple of "Full Release" massages parlors in there. YIKES!
Hmm, what else? Oh, I might do some bread this weekend. I'm going to try another recipe from the book I got at Half Price. And I also need to scour craigslist for used food processors and used sewing macines (still, GAG). I hate how long it is taking to find a cheap used sewing machine. Erica said that they have them for $60.00 at Target currently, but I can't justify buying something like that new. It's just sensless. Same with the food processor, people love to go out and replace stuff like that, and unfortunatley I think they just throw the old ones away. By taking seriously the use of opportunities like craigslist, people will take notice and use it more rather than the garbage.
Random Thought: I spoke to someone in Venezuela yesterday, his last name was Chang.... he told me my spanish was excellent. LOL!