Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 12!

How far along: 12 wks

Total weight change: None

Maternity clothes: I bought some stuff this week. Maternity clothes are not easy to shop for, everything is so hit or miss. Plus, the stuff that I'm drawn to immediatly is always a million dollars, no bueno. So yeah, I got a few pieces, and hopefully will continue to build up a wardrobe a little at a time. 

Stretch Marks: No

Movement: Whomp Whomp

Sleep: I dont know about this. I'm not sleeping through the night because of the allergies, but also because certain parts of my anatomy hurt and when I move it wakes me up. Also, I think I'm still going to the loo at night, but some nights I'm so out of it, I don't know if I did or didn't.

Best Moment This Week:  Being 12 weeks.  I'm so close to being out of the first tri I can feel it! Literally, I'm starting to feel more like myself again. I told my Grandparents and they were super excited.  My grandmother took 30 minutes to explain to me the proper foods to eat, and that a well fell baby en utero will equal a baby that eats well once it's born. I told work on Wed., everyone was nice and congradulated me, I even got a few hugs! I finally feel like I'm out!

Belly Button In or Out: In
Cravings/Aversions: Mexican food is out officially! I'm so over it and am back to a more normal human diet...well humans not from Mexico. I've gotten more of a sweet tooth, but the HUNGER (vampire style) is gone.
Symptoms: Still. back. pain. It still hurts to lay on my back, and it wakes me up at night when I roll over. ACK. I had a relapse on Friday where I felt super mcuber tired, had a headache, felt dizzy, and needed to eat a pizza (it was a magherita single serve pizza) at 11:00 at night. It went away the very next day, and I can honestly say that I do not miss those days!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Each and everyday that I am pregnant.

Things I Wish I Would Have Known: Hmmm, I guess that things could go so well without my intervention.

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