Wednesday, June 22, 2011

14 weeks yo!

How far along: 14 wks

Total weight change: ZERO

Maternity clothes: Um, heck yes!! I wore my jeans on Friday for the LAST TIME.  I sat at work absolutely miserable.  I've been coming home and changing into maternity clothes at night, lol. I bought some stuff this week, and that included some slacks for work and some jeans, which I desperatly needed.  I'm wearing my band today, and have decided that I never want to again.  It was nice while it lasted, but now that I've had  a taste of true mat pants, this band is just a terrible substitute and no longer a bff. :(

Stretch Marks: No

Movement: I wish

Sleep: Besides my nose waking me up all night for several nights, I think it was okay...but not really.

Best Moment This Week: Reaching 13w3d, the official end of the first trimester! To celebrate, the baby decided to make me feel like crap...which I loved! It was a nice reminder that everything is going well, and that I've actually got a baby on board.  Oh, an we got the quilt laid out this week.  We were up until 1 am, but Ms Virginia, Mrs Oldham, Rosalind and I got it all ironed out. It took starting over 3 times, but I'm glad to say that it is done. Next week we get to sewing!

Belly Button In or Out: In

Cravings/Aversions: I've been eating whatever, the aversions sometimes show up when its time for dinner, and especially when its time for meal planning.

Symptoms: Still. back. pain. Friday I had terrbible nausea, lightheadedness, headachynesss, and general malaise.  I also had a 3 day long headache, and since pregnancy has turn me into a hypochondriac, I was convinced I had pre-eclampsia.  I gave in on Saturday morning and took two tylenol, and after a nap I felt a lot better.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Feeling movement! Also, we have our appointment next week on Monday so I'm just counting down the days till I get to hear that sweet little heartbeat again.

Things I Wish I Would Have Known: Its a little known secret that when you get pregnant, eveyone else goes to med school and gets a degree in obsetetristics... I'm surrounded by Dr's now, and its terrible! I also wish I would have known that I would have such a daunting task ahead of me with this whole cloth daipering thing! There are so many options and options with those options that its actually quite out of control. Pregnancy is one of the few times in life that you can actually suffer from an information overload.  Trying to learn all that I can about cding has left me confused and overwhelmed. I feel like the normal answer to being confused (which is more research), has been counterintuitive and left me still scratching my head in wonder!

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