Thursday, September 15, 2011


Well, I made it! 35/35, the date that for which I've had a ton of anticipation. Of course now that I'm here, I'm too shocked to truely appreciate it, but I'm working on it. Oh, and 35/35 means that I'm 35weeks with only 35 days left to go. Pretty cool how that works out huh?

How far along: 35 wks

Total weight change: Up 20 from pre-preg...still

Maternity clothes: I still have a couple of stretchy cotton shirts, but I'm starting to show out of the bottom of them I think. Actually, I'm starting to show out of the bottom of my materinity shirts too. Hmmm.

Stretch Marks: Si! Still got plenty of em.

Movement: Kind of slower now, I think its starting to get pretty cramped in there.

Sleep: Same ol' same ol'. Some nights are better than others. While my trips to the potty are never limited, they're not the culprit. Its the falling back asleep after that's been getting me. Also, the past two days I've had REM sleep right at 7, which means I have trouble waking up on time, despite how ever many times the alarm goes off.

Best Moment This Week: Not having to stick myself any more! (See my Midwives are driving me nuts post.) Also, allowing my self to get a *little* excited about the baby actually being on the way. I'm slowly starting to pack up and move off of my home on Denial Island.

Belly Button In or Out: Out. Flat. Pudgy. Stretched.

Cravings/Aversions: Ice water, ice

Symptoms: I'm better. Not as tired as I was, I guess I've gotten my second wind. I think I may have begun nesting since mess is really bothering me now. It couldn't have come at a better time considering we've moved so I need to get organized anyway.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Staying pregnant! Lol. I'm not ready for this to be over yet.

Things I Wish I Would Have Known: That people could actually be NICE to pregnant ladies. It's like at first everyone is all preachy, and then as you get bigger, they get less douchie.

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