one little word
A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow.
Last year I began a tradition of chosing one word for myself each January - a word that I can focus on, mediate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life. Last year my word was something I wanted to bring into my life in a more tangible way. My word was play.
I thought a lot about play and what it means to me. I tried to incorporate it more into my everyday and on my adventures out in the crazy world. For me, it was a lot about living without fear - about being more open to experiences with an attitude of playfulness.
This concept was originaly for scrapbooking, but seems like something revelant to try to do in all aspects of your life. So I thought, WHY NOT?! I prayed over it for like 5 seconds, and discoverd what I plan on spending a lot of brain cells on in 2010 *drum roll please*:
I thought about simplicity, simplify, or simplness, but not one of those was simple enough. I want to get down to the root, underneath all of the flourishing language, and have the word in it's most pungent of forms, S I M P L E. I looked for a definition and got this list:
Definitions of 'simple'
The American Heritage® Dictionary - (17 definitions)
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin simplus, and from simplex; see simplex.]
(adjective: -pler, -plest.)
1. Having or composed of only one thing, element, or part. See synonyms at pure
2. Not involved or complicated; easy: a simple task. See synonyms at easy
3. Being without additions or modifications; mere: a simple “yes” or “no.”4. Having little or no ornamentation; not embellished or adorned: a simple dress.
5. Not elaborate, elegant, or luxurious. See synonyms at plain
6. Unassuming or unpretentious; not affected.
7. a.Having or manifesting little sense or intelligence.
b.Uneducated; ignorant.
c.Unworldly or unsophisticated. See synonyms at naive
8. Not guileful or deceitful; sincere.
9. Humble or lowly in condition or rank: a simple woodcutter.
10.Ordinary or common: a simple head cold.
11. a.Being a fundamental or rudimentary element; basic.
b.Not important or significant; trivial.
12. Biology Having no divisions or branches; not compound: a simple leaf;
a simple eye or lens.
13. Music Being without figuration or elaboration: a simple tone.
1.A single component of a complex, especially one that is unanalyzable.
2.A fool; a simpleton.
3.A person of humble birth or condition.
4.A medicinal plant or the medicine obtained from it.
I'm not so sure about that medicinal plant definition, but all of the rest of them REALLY speak to me. I think over the next year I will really dig in and explore each one of these definitions and what they mean for me. I have had this hole in me for so very long. It's been a constant battle to discover who exactly I am. I am 26 years old and have not a clue what I mean to myself. I am always on this journey of augmentation, and trying to be like others leaves this Leo feeling empty and ordinary. I see things that others do, attempt to emulate, FAIL miseraable, and I am left feeling even worse.

Well, I am so over it! I am finally starting to see the light, and I'm going towards it full speed. Simple to me, on the 7th of January, means that I will strip away all the excess, all the periphery, and get down to the flesh and bones that are Jonet.
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