God's been all up in my face lately...and I LOVE it! He spoke to me yesterday and told me something that knocked my socks off. Now before I get into it, remember, revelations are different for each person, just like there are some people that can sit down and understand trig at first glance, there are people whom God can get through to quite easily. Then there are people like me who don't understand what tangent has to do with anything, and who have thick almost cement-like skulls that God has to crack through to get his message in.

My epiphany was about work. I was walking on my lunch break, like I do everyday, and speaking with God. Really it was all about how nice the trees looked, how beautiful the weather was, you know, heavy spritual stuff. Then my mind roamed to the thought of work, and pride in work. While it's perfectly suitable to take pride in you work, in fact everyone should, it's not okay to be prideful about it. On my "Operational Definitions of Character Qualities" sheet, it has the following traits:
HUMILIY vs. Pride
Recognizing that God and others are actually responsible for the achievements in my life.
DILIGENCE vs. Slothfulness
Visualizing each task as a special assignment from the Lord and using all my energies to accomplish it.
Here was the conclusion I reached, if I am to give all glory to God for my achievements, than my work is a reflection of Him, which means I should do my best at it, becuase if we share in triumph, we share in tragedy.
So what You're saying is (me talking to God), if I represent You in the good things I do, I also represent You in the bad things I do, which means I should always try take each task I get and fulfill it in a way that would give You glory. And not only that, but because You give me each task that is set before me, I should be eager and willing to work my hardest at it beacuse it's for You.
All I can say is YIKES. He is so good!
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